The festival was initiated in 1982 in France. Its name in French is "Fête de la Musique," which is a play on words, resonating with the slogan "Make Music!" The goal is to involve all musicians regardless of style and direction, level of experience, or age, all for the popularization of music. Professionals and amateurs, famous groups and street bands, orchestras and individual musicians all play music. The main thing is to feel the joy of music and share it with others. If you can play, come out and play; if you can't, bring your friends to the street and listen! Everyone is welcome to join the celebration: philharmonics, operas, musical theaters, schools, and clubs, along with cultural centers, public initiatives, cafes, and restaurants, and so on.
Over the past forty years, Fête de la Musique has spread across the globe: from Paris to Buenos Aires, from Boston to Calcutta, from Melbourne to Beirut. Every year on this day, live music fills the streets and squares, parks and squares, cafes and museums, from balconies of buildings and windows of government buildings, in courtyards, at train stations, in clubs, on benches, in short, wherever you wish. The festival provides an opportunity to experience as many shades and genres of music as possible.
Today, Fête de la Musique is the largest international music festival, bringing together entire nations, cultural traditions, and performers of all styles and directions. Together with the whole world, Lviv enjoys music.